Birdwing Therapies opened in 2006!
Keran, Sarah Jane, Kirsten, Melanie and Lauren are dedicated group of professionals who work with you!
Birdwing Therapies are four qualified Social Workers Practitioners and one superb Speech Therapist and an amazing Practice Manager on our team.
Our areas of work include child and family welfare, attachment and trauma focused practice, mental health and positive based behavioural management techniques.
Our practitioners are committed to ongoing professional development and best practice. We have undertaken training in client centred strengths based practice, family therapy, trauma informed practice, attachment theory and cognitive behaviour therapies.
We provide therapy to assist children, adolescents and adult clients with depression, anxiety, phobias, trauma, sexual abuse, behavioral challenges, family breakdown, grief and loss and a broad range of complex family difficulties.
We do offer home visits for family therapy planning and interventions if we consider this useful in supporting a specific goal. We are available to attend school meetings on request from the child’s parents or carers.
Our practitioners understand the complexities of clients situations, we focus on a working relationship that promotes positive and respectful communication at our clinic in Malanda.
We will support you to make referrals and connections elsewhere if Birdwing is not able to assist you in your situation.
Our Practice Manager Lauren is here to assist you. E: or P: 0475 618 756.